Monday, 25 July 2016

Term 3 Goals

Term 3 2016 Goals,  Review and Next Steps
New Goals for Term 3                                                                         
Term 3 Reading Goal and Success Criteria
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
WALT consistently read to understand the meaning of the text
Success Criteria
When I am reading I will:
  1. Read texts through more than once so I understand it really well.
  2. Use my knowledge of words to work out how to read difficult words.
  3. Read topic sentences at the start of paragraphs to see what the paragraph is about.
  4. Skim and scan for keywords to help me understand what the text is about.
  5. Use the my knowledge of the text and words, or a dictionary, to work out the meaning of difficult words.
  6. Ask myself questions about the text, especially if I do not understand it.
  7. Ask a buddy or teacher for help if I am stuck.

Term 3 Writing Goal and Success Criteria
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
WALT write our ideas in interesting and varied sentences.
Success Criteria:
We have used:
  • the sentence starter menu in the writing tool box.
  • the sentence opener ladder in the writing tool box.
  • borrowed sentence ideas from other writing.
  • rearranged the words in my sentences in a more interesting way.
  • used different sentence starters.
  • challenged ourselves to use sentence starters further up the ladder to make our writing more interesting.

    Term 3 Maths Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
WALT find perimeters, areas and volumes of simple shapes
Success Criteria
We have:
  • Calculated perimeter by adding up the measurements of each side of the shape. We have put the correct unit of measurement after the total.
  • Calculated area by multiplying the length by the width of the shape and recorded the answer as a squared measurement.
  • Calculated volume by multiplying the length by the width by the height of the shape and recorded the answer as a cubic measurement.

Add a basic facts goal here.
I can recall the 7 times tables

From Term 1 and 2 (to be reviewed again at the end of Term 3)
Parent Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Make my handwriting neater. improve attention to detail -for example when telling a story

Student Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
To get neater at writing and spelling

Friday, 8 July 2016


WALT say phrases and sentences in Mandarin about food

Ni chi cao mei ma?
Do you eat strawberry?

Wo chi cao mei
I eat strawberry

Wo bu chi cao mei
I don’t eat strawberry

Chi cao mei
I eat strawberry

sam's Student Led Conference Presentation June 2016

sam's sea lion slide

Term 2 Goal Review

Term 2 2016 Goals,  Review and Next Steps
Name: sam
New Goals for Term 2                                                                        
Term 2 Reading Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Know what different words mean.

I searched up unknown words in the dictionary or online. We made word maps to find the meaning of difficult texts.
consistently read to understand the meaning of the text

Term 2 Writing Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
To spell everyday (and/or difficult)words accurately in our words
I looked up words in the dictionary that I was not sure of the spelling of.  I am on Spelling List 7. I have been doing spelling activities out of the Word Work box. I know I have to keep checking my spelling well.
I need to work on using punctuation more accurately eg capital letters, fullstops, commas and speech marks.

Term 2 Maths Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Solving multiplication & division problems  by
  • Doubling and halving
  • Using place value
  • Thirding & trebling  
  • reversing
I have used these to help solve multiplication problems eg
50 x 6 =
100 x 3 = 300
I now need to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.

From Term 1 (to be reviewed again at the end of Term 2)
Parent Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Make my handwriting neater. improve attention to detail -for example when telling a story
When writing with a pen or pencil I have tried really hard to hold it correctly and form the letters correctly.
I searched for information for my animal reports and included things that were interesting.
Try to do this all the time.

I need to  make sure that I include information about senses and feelings in my writing like see, smell, hear and feel.

Student Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
To get neater and spelling
See what I have written above.

The King Cobra

Information Report

WALT inform others about an animal/creature or habitat, through our writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. Create a title.
  2. Write a general introduction.
  3. Use Subheadings -Each new topic is a new paragraph.
  4. Use facts written in your own words.
  5. Write a conclusion.
  6. Use descriptive verbs eg hovers.
  7. Use topic specific nouns eg kakapo, reptile
  8. Include technical words eg nocturnal, monotreme
  9. Write in present tense.
  10. Vary the sentence beginnings.
  11. Use complex sentences eg This long, sticky tongue secretes sticky glycoprotein rich mucus, which insects stick to readily.

The King Cobra

The awesome fast king cobra is the best sneaking snake. It is very big and very fast.

Special features  

The King Cobra has a long tongue to grab its prey, if you look really close you can sea a forked shaped tongue.  It can go over anything it is so slippery. It is the longest venomous snake in the world. Did you know there are only about 784 of these snakes left.


The King Cobra’s diet consists primarily of other snakes including rat snakes, small pythons and even other venomous snakes such as various members of the cobra family.


The King Cobra lives mainly in the rainforest,  bamboo thickets and mangrove swamps as well as other habitats with dense undergrowth (thick bush areas) and heavy rainfall. It can live from sea level to mountainous regions over 2,000 metres high.


Did you that the world’s longest venomous snake is also the only snake that builds a nest for his young cobra? The male and female carefully guard their eggs,  being ready to attack whenever there is danger. Females typically lay 20 to 40 eggs at a time, which hatch between 60 and 80 days. Cobras will stay near the eggs and defend them until they hatch. Wild boars and mongooses are known to steal cobra eggs. The mongoose is the best-known enemy of the cobra.

The King Cobra is the only member of its kind. It is the longest species of venomous snake in the world. Though they can reach lengths of up to 6 metres, although they are usually 3 - 4 metres long.


So now you know some key facts about the King Cobra .The main thing is to stay away from them and let them keep their habitat to themselves.  

My next step is to write the information in my own words more independently